Thinking Ahead: Strategies for Reducing Corporate Taxes and Boosting Your Bottom Line

Stay updated with current accounting standards, business compliance, tax preparation tips, and latest news.

    04 May 2023
    The tax system in Canada is constantly being updated and it can be difficult to stay up to date! Implementing effective tax strategies can help reduce corporate taxes while boosting the bottom line. However, most people wait until the last minute to review  their tax credits and potential deductions. Knowing what you're entitled to from the start can help you recall what receipts and evidence you'll need to claim expenditures later. We've created a list of deductions, credits, and other helpful hints to help you reduce your tax liability and maximize your refund.  

    Take advantage of tax deductions 

    One of the easiest ways to reduce your corporate taxes is by taking advantage of tax deductions. You can deduct expenses such as rent, salaries, utilities, and office supplies, among others. Make sure you keep track of all expenses throughout the year and ensure that they are legitimate business expenses. Work with a Chartered Professional Accountants Canada to ensure that you are taking advantage of all available deductions plus can help identify credits and deductions that apply to your business and ensure you are taking advantage of all available tax breaks.  

    Use tax credits 

    Another way to reduce your corporate taxes is to take advantage of tax credits. Tax credits are even better than deductions as they directly reduce your tax liability. Examples of tax credits include research and development tax credits, energy-efficient tax credits, and hiring tax credits. Make sure you understand the eligibility criteria and requirements for each tax credit.  

    Optimize your business structure 

    Choosing the right business structure can have a significant impact on your taxes. For example, incorporating your business can help you save money on taxes as corporations pay lower tax rates than individuals. Work with an Accountant Surrey to evaluate the best business structure for your company.  

    Promotion and advertising

    Any advertising and promotion expenses incurred by your business can be deducted. This covers marketing materials creation and distribution, event sponsorship, and advertisement costs.  

    Bad Credit

    If you have unrecoverable debts, you may be able to deduct them. Debts that are written off as uncollectible or settled for less than the entire amount owed fall under this category.  

    Use a tax-loss harvesting strategy 

    If your business has investment losses, you can use a tax-loss harvesting strategy to offset gains and reduce your tax liability. This strategy involves selling investments that have lost value and using the losses to offset gains in other investments. Work with a CPA in Surrey Canada to ensure that you are using this strategy effectively.  

    Claim Asset Depreciation

    Machinery, equipment, electronic devices used in the business depreciate over time and you can claim depreciation which helps reduce corporate taxes. The cost of these assets can be deducted over time, which lowers your taxable income. Additionally, the recent tax reforms have increased the bonus depreciation limits, making it more attractive to invest in new equipment and assets.  

    Stay Compliant with Tax Laws and Regulations

    Staying compliant with tax laws and regulations is essential for avoiding penalties and interest charges, which can add up quickly. A Corporate Tax filing Canada firm can help ensure your business is meeting all tax filing requirements, such as timely filing of tax returns and paying estimated taxes.  

    Why choose CJCPA?

    At CJCPA, we understand the importance of reducing corporate taxes and increasing profitability for our clients. Our team of experienced tax professionals can help identify and implement strategies to minimize your tax liability, while ensuring compliance with all tax laws and regulations. From identifying tax credits and deductions to choosing the right business entity and staying compliant with tax laws, our services are designed to help you achieve your financial goals. We also offer tax filing services to ensure your tax returns are accurate and filed on time. With our help, you can take control of your business finances and make informed decisions that will benefit your bottom line. 


    Reducing corporate taxes is an essential part of boosting your bottom line, and there are several strategies to achieve this goal. Working with a Corporate Tax filing Surrey Canada firm can help identify tax credits.  Contact us today to learn more about how we can help reduce your corporate taxes and boost your profitability.
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